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Here's what some of our clients have had to say about the Davis® program...
"After years of heart rending frustration with the public school system and how they do not deal effectively with any type of special needs student, I stumbled upon a book called,
"The Gift of Dyslexia" by Ron Davis. That book led me to Casey Linwick-Rouzer, the only practitioner in Harris or Fort Bend counties qualified to teach his learning approach. Meeting Casey was without a doubt, the turning point for a little 10-year old boy who was about to turn off to school and learning forever. Casey not only put our grandson, Dane, through the reading
and math programs, but she alone was the one who taught him how to tell time and tie his shoes! Her patience, love and astute understanding with Dane was miraculous as he was very resistant to learning after spending four years in the public school, 'special ed' holding tank. There will never be enough thanks to Casey for the wonderful work she performs for those fortunate enough to
have her in their lives."
- J. Richards
"Rebecca is doing great! She has had a great 4th grade year and looking forward to 5th. Reading is now fun and not a struggling task. She wants you to know that, when we have time, we are studying French, like in the book you gave her of Fancy Nancy. Like I said, reading is now fun and not a task."
- C.Ayles
"I just wanted you to know Jay brought her reading grade up from a D to a B on this report card. This was the first report card we had with B and C's no D's. Our girl is moving right along and even the teachers are noticing that she is having a better year. She has so much more confidence now. She joined the library club at school where she helps the librarian check out books and put books where they belong. They have kids on the waiting list and she made it and loves it."
- K.Brothers
See Davis® Program video testimonials on YouTube!
"I am embracing the meanings of words into my subconscious. I have improved my reading and am better at reading aloud. I have more confidence in my reading. I can focus easily without working at it."
-26 year-old New Perceptions Learning Center client-Male
"I can read better and faster. I was confident reading a college-age book last night. I am really, really good at Koosh. My balance is excellent!"
-8 year-old New Perceptions Learning Center client-female
"I can focus better with my orientation. I can balance better. My brain has a smarter and fun way to learn. I can spell better. There's not just one way to learn; there are lots of ways to learn. It's important to take time in what I'm doing, and use my tools. Doing the reading exercises helps very, very much. It really does."
-8 year-old New Perceptions Learning Center client-male
Hi Casey,
Colton is doing very well, and I am so impressed with his progress...it is really amazing. He loves reading now!!! He now reads to his dad every night and his spelling has dramatically improved! I have stopped the sheets that ask him to identify a misspelled word…they were only confusing him. We go over all the spelling words on Mondays, and then we work on any words he has problems with using the techniques we have learned.
Of course, there are always those "off" days, but for the most part he is doing terrific. And it is amazing how many other categories it spills over into…math, writing, grammar…all are improved. His confidence is up and his behavior and attitude are greatly improved. I think a lot of the attitude and behavior issues were out of frustration and avoidance. He would try to do right and want to do right, but the minute he hit a snag, frustration would set in and then he would get distracted while trying to avoid it all.
Now, he has much better self-control, and he actually has tools to work through those snags instead of wanting to quit…and all of that gives him more confidence. The reading exercises and "stop signs for reading" are just second nature to him now.
Thank you so much!
New Perceptions Learning Center focuses on the strengths and unique learning style of each client—using holistic, visual, spatial, and creative techniques developed by Ronald D. Davis.

Expert Testimonies for the Davis® Program
"Ron Davis is a revolutionary and profound thinker and has discovered what history will record as one of the great insights in the fields of learning and how the mind works."
- Thom Hartmann, author of Beyond ADD: Hunting for Reasons in the Past and Present, and many other top selling books.
 "These [Davis] procedures have an excellent foundation in learning theory. They use each of the senses for learning and provide for concept integration."
- Joan Smith, Ed.D., author of You Don't Have to be Dyslexic
"After hearing so much about what kids labeled 'dyslexic' can't do, it's refreshing to learn from Ron Davis about the gift of dyslexia. Davis helps us reframe the learning abilities of kids who have trouble reading, yet who possess superior visual-spatial understanding, and he provides important clues as to how they can be reached."
- Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D., author of The Myth of the A.D.D. Child and In Their Own Way